Meadow Flat Public School

Opportunities for all students to succeed in their areas of interest.

Telephone02 6359 5259

Inclusive learning support

NSW public schools are well prepared to support students with disability and additional learning and support needs and staff are ready to answer your questions.

Visit our Inclusive learning support hub for more information on:

Referrals and support


Bathurst Health Service
Paediatric occupational therapy for children aged 0-18 who do not have an NDIS package
Public health services (no charge to Medicate recipients) 
Bathurst Hosptial OT Department (02) 6330 5127

Global Rehabilitation Service
Occupational therapy - no eligibility criteria
NDIS, private, and Medicare

Louise Blencowe
Occupational therapist for adults and children with a physical disability
NDIS, private, and Medicare

Bathurst Hand Therapy
Occupational and physical therapy for children and adults focused on on hands, wrists, and elbows.
NDIS, private, and Medicare

Sally Brown
Occupational therapy for children aged 0-7
NDIS, private, and Medicare

Melissa King
Occupational therapy for children aged 0-7
NDIS, private, and Medicare

Louise Wood
Occupational therapy for children and adults
NDIS, private, and Medicare

Back on Track Health Solutions
Occupational therapy for adolescents and adults
NDIS, private, Medicare, and aged care
(02) 6337 5340

Aimee Capple
Speech pathology services for infants-adults
NDIS, private, Medicare 
Busby Medical Practice 6332 4266

Occupational therapy from a Sydney based office aiming to expand online service delivery to regional areas for children aged 0-7
NDIS, private, Medicare
(02) 9055 4692

Speech pathology, occupational therapy, physical therapy for children aged 4-18
NDIS, private, Medicare

Marathon Health
Speech pathology and occupational therapy for ages 4-adult
NDIS, private, Medicare
1300 402 585

Bathurst Health Service
Speech pathology for children and adults
Free service
(02) 6330 5677

Bathurst Early Childhood Intervention Service
Speech pathology and early childhood teachers
NDIS, private, and Medicare

Kathy Rowan
Speech Pathology for children and adults including early intervention
NDIS, private, Medicare

Janelle Bowler
Speech pathologist for children and adults
NDIS, private, Medicare

Healthworks Orange
Occupational therapy for children and adults
02 5317 8282


Ripples Therapy
Developmental therapy, speech pathology, and occupational therapy for children 0-12
NDIS, private

Direct Focus Solutions
Speech pathology, behaviour support, and telehealth support for psychology and occupational therapy for children 0-18 
NDIS, private
1300 197 949

Savage Speech Pathology
Meg Savage, speech pathology for children 0-12
Lithgow Valley Medical Practice, telehealth, home and school visits


Blue Mountains

Upper Mountains Speech Pathology - Katoomba
Speech pathology for adolescents to adults

Emerge Speech Pathology - Lawson
Speech pathology for children 0-12 with a focus on ages 2-5
NDIS, Medicare      

Faulconbridge Speech Pathology - Faulconbridge

Kidscomm Speech Pathology - Blaxland
For infants through adolescents 
(02) 4739 4442

The Gabrielle Centre for Children - Blaxland
Occupational therapy, psychology, speech therapy, music therapy, and physiotherapy for children aged 0-12
(02) 4739 2352

Kylie Witt - Hazelbrook
Speech pathology mobile service for children aged 0-12
0432 164 696

Children's Chatter Speech Pathology Services - Springwood
Speech pathology for children aged 0-12
(02) 4751 2540

Glenbrook Speech Pathology - Glenbrook
Speech pathology for children aged 0-12
(02) 4739 5176

Chronic Disease Management (CDM) Plan

The chronic disease management (CDM) Medicare items are part of a government initiative that assists people living with a chronic and/or complex medical illness The CDM (previously called the enhanced primary care program) provides medicare rebates for allied health services.

You may be eligible to claim a rebate through medicare for these services if you have a chronic condition that is being managed by your GP under a CDM Plan. A chronic medical condition is one that has been or will be present for at least 6 months.

The CDM provides a maximum of 5 total rebates per calendar year for all Allied Health services. This means that if you are accessing more than one Allied Health service, you are entitled to 5 rebates across all of the services combined, not 5 rebates per service.

How do you access the CDM plan?

Your GP will decide if you are eligible for these services and will refer you where appropriate. For further information, please contact your GP.

If you have been referred on a CDM plan, how does it work?

You will need to provide the private provider with your referral form. Once you have given the therapist the form you will be eligible to claim up to a maximum of 5 rebated sessions per calendar year, provided that your GP has registered your plan through medicare.

Therapy provided by the service will need to be paid for as usual, but you will be able to take your receipt to Medicare in order to claim your rebate.

The medicare rebate is approximately $60 per service as at 1 July 2024.

Where can I access further information?

Further information is available through the Department of Health and Aged care.